1 | Directions of the Central Government for auction of coal mines under the CM(SP) Act, 2015. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :739.66 किलोबाइट) | 2018-12-07 |
2 | Minutes of 4th meeting held on 12-7-2018 under chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to identify additional coal / lignite blocks for allocation under rule 3(2) of the Coal Blocks Allocation Rules, 2017. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :2.96 किलोबाइट) | 2018-10-17 |
3 | Minutes of 40th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) held on 31.08.2018 under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantee -reg. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :2.96 किलोबाइट) | 2018-09-07 |
4 | Minutes of 39th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) held on 21.08.2018 under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantee -regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :2.96 किलोबाइट) | 2018-08-30 |
5 | 40th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to finalize the recommendations of IMG on the issue of Bank Guarantee of prior allottee of Kerandari B&C coal block - regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :15.01 किलोबाइट) | 2018-08-27 |
6 | 39th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantee — Change in date-regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :210.28 किलोबाइट) | 2018-08-17 |
7 | Minutes of 38th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) held on 10.08.2018 under the Chairmanship o Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantee - regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :72.06 किलोबाइट) | 2018-08-16 |
8 | 39th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantee - regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :200.95 किलोबाइट) | 2018-08-14 |
9 | 38th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantee - regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :16.2 किलोबाइट) | 2018-07-26 |
10 | 38th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantee — Change in date-regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :227.2 किलोबाइट) | 2018-07-03 |
11 | Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term) for Power Sector- SLC/LT No. 2/2018. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :4.09 मेगा बाइट) | 2018-04-06 |
12 | Direction of Central Government for allotment of coal mines under the provisions of the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015-reg. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :478.68 किलोबाइट) | 2018-03-20 |
13 | Constitution of Committee to identify additional coal / lignite blocks for allocation under Rule 3 (2) of the Coal Blocks Allocation Rules, 2017 | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :20.51 किलोबाइट) | 2017-12-21 |
14 | Constitution of Single Bench Revisional Authorities under Section 30 of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :1.08 मेगा बाइट) | 2017-12-19 |
15 | Meeting to review the status of development of coal/ lignite blocks and associated end use plants allotted under the provisions of the Mines & Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 - reg. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :187.41 किलोबाइट) | 2017-07-27 |
16 | Meeting to review the status of development of coal/ lignite blocks and associated end use plants allotted under the provisions of the Mines & Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 - reg. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :21.84 किलोबाइट) | 2017-07-13 |
17 | Show cause notice to M/s National Thermal Power Corporation in respect of Talaipalli coal block. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :62.32 किलोबाइट) | 2017-06-10 |
18 | Minutes of the meeting with the Stakeholders on the Discussion Paper on 'auction of coal mines for commercial mining'. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :92.97 किलोबाइट) | 2017-04-19 |
19 | Directions of the Central Government for auction of coal mines under the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :15.99 किलोबाइट) | 2017-03-31 |
20 | Stakeholders meeting on the Discussion Paper on 'auction of coal mines for commercial mining'. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :8.53 किलोबाइट) | 2017-03-31 |
21 | Directions of the Central Government for auction of coal mines under the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :15.99 किलोबाइट) | 2017-03-30 |
22 | public Notice seeking comments on Discussion Paper on 'Auction of Coal Mines for Commercial Mining'. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :995.05 किलोबाइट) | 2017-03-27 |
23 | Constitution of Technical Committee to formulate criteria and classify coal blocks for auction and allotment — reg, | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :3.05 मेगा बाइट) | 2017-03-23 |
24 | Policy formulation on disposal of washery rejects/ middlings/ surplus coal - regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :24.73 किलोबाइट) | 2016-12-27 |
25 | Policy formulation on disposal of washery rejects/ middlings/ surplus coal - regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :22.34 किलोबाइट) | 2016-12-27 |
26 | Policy formulation on disposal of washery rejects/ middlings/ surplus coal - regarding | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :113.59 किलोबाइट) | 2016-12-26 |
27 | 41st meeting of Standing Committee on Safety in Coal Mines scheduled to be held on 21.12.2016 at 7.30PM to 9.30PM at Friend-ship Lounge, Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi In | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :13.83 किलोबाइट) | 2016-12-20 |
28 | Minutes of 37th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) held on 05.12.2016 under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees of prior allocatees - regarding. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :113.59 किलोबाइट) | 2016-12-20 |
29 | 37th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees of prior allocatees - regarding. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :21.19 किलोबाइट) | 2016-12-01 |
30 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Land and Mine Infrastructure in respect of Mark Mangli-I coal mine to the Commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the prior allottees i.e. M/s. B.S. Ispat Ltd. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :57.75 किलोबाइट) | 2016-11-11 |
31 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Land and Mine Infrastructure in respect of Lohari coal mine to the Commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the prior allottee i.e. M/s. Usha Martin Ltd. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :56.39 किलोबाइट) | 2016-11-11 |
32 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for land and mine infrastructure in respect of Talaipali Coal Mine to the Commissioner of Payments for further disbursal to the prior allottees i.e. M/s National Thermal Power Ltd. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :45.04 किलोबाइट) | 2016-11-11 |
33 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Land and Mine Infrastructure in respect of Majra coal mine to the Commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the prior allottees i.e. M/s. Gondwana Ispat Ltd. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :45.96 किलोबाइट) | 2016-11-11 |
34 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Land and Mine Infrastructure in respect of Chatti Bariatu and Chatti Bariatu South coal mines to the Commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the prior allottees National Thermal Power Ltd. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :46.15 किलोबाइट) | 2016-11-11 |
35 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Land and Mine Infrastructure in respect of Kerandari Coal Mine to the Commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the prior allottees i.e M/s. National Thermal Power Ltd. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :45.24 किलोबाइट) | 2016-11-11 |
36 | Minutes of 36th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees of prior allocatees - regarding. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :72.32 किलोबाइट) | 2016-11-04 |
37 | Meeting of the Technical Committee constituted under the Auction by Competitive Bidding of Coal Mines Rules,- 2012 for examination/evaluation of applications received in Ministry of Coal for allotment of coal blocks to Government Companies/Corporations. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :546.36 किलोबाइट) | 2016-11-01 |
38 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Land and Mine Infrastructure an respect of Gare palma IVl7 coal mine to the Commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the prior allottee(s) i.e. M/s. Raipur Alloys & Steel Ltd (Now Sarda Energy and Mineral) | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :237.07 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-28 |
39 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Land and Mane Infrastructure in respect of Kathautia coal mine to the Commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the prior allottee(s) i.e. M/s. Usha Martan Lamited | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :2.96 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-28 |
40 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Land and Mine Infrastructure in respect of Jitpur coal mine to the Commissioner of Payment for further dlsbursal to the prior allottee(s) i.e. M,/s. Jindal Stee! & Power Ltd. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :250.96 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-28 |
41 | 36th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees of prior allocatees - regarding. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :20.34 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-25 |
42 | Extension of last date of submission of applications in respect of Notice Inviting Applications dated 03-10-2016. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :10.87 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-24 |
43 | 36th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of B ank Guarantees of prior allocate es - regarding. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :20.11 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-18 |
44 | Procedure for submission and approval of Mining plan/ Mine Closure plan for the coal and lignite blocks | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :124.78 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-18 |
45 | 36th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees of prior allocatees - regarding. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :15.57 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-04 |
46 | Notice Inviting Applications | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :51.38 किलोबाइट) | 2016-10-03 |
47 | Provisional list of mine-wise admissible compensation amount in respect of 35 Schedule I coal mines where Vesting/Allotment Orders have been issued. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :166.56 किलोबाइट) | 2016-09-13 |
48 | Transfer of compensation towards cost for Geological Reports and cost consents to the Commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the prior allottees. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :166.56 किलोबाइट) | 2016-09-12 |
49 | Meeting to review the status of development of coal mines allocated in the State of Jharkhand. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :15.24 किलोबाइट) | 2016-09-05 |
50 | 35th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Special Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees of prior allottees / allottees of coal blocks — regarding. | डाउनलोड (
फाइल का आकार :395.99 किलोबाइट) | 2016-09-02 |