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1 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 and Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, Judgement dated March 09, 2017- Valuation of Compensation for payment to prior allottee M/s Jharkhand State Mineral Development Corporation Limited Reg.... Downloads
File Size :148.1 किलोबाइट File Type: PDF
2 Transfer of Compensation towards Cost for Geological Reports to the Commissioner of Payment (Coal Controller Orgainsation) for further disbursal to the prior allottees, M/s Jindal Steel & Power Ltd and M/s Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd with respect to Urtan.. Downloads
File Size :8.02 मेगा बाइट File Type: PDF
3 Transfer of compensation towards cost for Geological Reports and Consents to the commissioner of Payment for further disbursal to the Successful allottees M/s Fairmine Carbons Pvt Ltd. Downloads
File Size :4.44 मेगा बाइट File Type: PDF
4 The Coal Mines (Special Provision) Act, 2015 – Valuation of compensation of Mine Infrastructure for payment to prior allottee of Marki Mangli II Coal Mine-Reg. Downloads
File Size :1.74 मेगा बाइट File Type: PDF
5 The Coal Mines (Special Provision) Act, 2015 – Valuation of compensation of Mine Infrastructure for payment to prior allottee of Urtan North Coal Mine-Reg. Downloads
File Size :1.72 मेगा बाइट File Type: PDF
6 The Coal Mines (Special Provision) Act, 2015 – Valuation of compensation of Mine Infrastructure for payment of Prior allottee pertaining to Gondulpara Coal Mine – Reg. Downloads
File Size :1.54 मेगा बाइट File Type: PDF
7 The Coal Mines (Special Provision) Act, 2015 – Valuation of compensation of Mine Infrastructure for payment to prior allottee of Sahapur East Coal Mine-Reg. Downloads
File Size :1.73 मेगा बाइट File Type: PDF
8 The Coal Mines (Special Provision) Act, 2015 – Valuation of compensation of Mine Infrastructure for payment to prior allottee of Takli-Jena- Bellora (North) & Takili- Jena-Bellora (South) Coal Mine- Reg. Downloads
File Size :1.7 मेगा बाइट File Type: PDF
9 Methodology for fixing Floor/Reserve Price for Auction and Allotment of Coal Mines/Blocks. Downloads
File Size :48.14 किलोबाइट File Type: PDF